Dog Treats
An assortmmnent of mutts, mongrels, puppies and pooches
Christopher Matthew
From Ozymandias the Steve McQueen of Springers whose acrobatic sex life rivals Errol Flynn’s, to terrier Ted, whose Falstaffian appetites (and over-indulgence following the loyal toast) lead to a shameful bender followed by a spell in re-hab, man’s best friend comes in many guises, not all of them benign. In his latest collection of sly verse, Christopher Matthew celebrates the canine world in all its glorious diversity – and takes a sidelong glance at the human one along the way.
Travelling from Camp Bastion to West Wittering via a sunlit Greek island, Matthew’s compendium embraces comedy, tragedy and personalities great and small. There are exuberant, rear-fixated puppies and neglected latchkey dogs, there are dignified mongrel strays, war-heroes, a psychotic Great Dane called Cher Bebe and a top-drawer spaniel of theatrical lineage with Uggie-envy. And then there is man, with his cowardice, his commitment issues, his short attention span and his propensity for very silly names. . . The great question Matthew circles in this gloriously entertaining gallop through one of the world’s great auld alliances, therefore, is not so much who is the master in this relationship, as who is the mutt.
Touching, wicked, clever and kind, Dog Treats will bring delight and recognition to dog-lovers everywhere.
First published by Little, Brown (Hachette, UK) in 2014.

“Charming…you must get this slyly wise and witty book”
Daily Mail