
JPLA welcomes proposals for full-length books in any of the categories represented above.
Submissions should be sent by email to
Please understand that, due to the volume of submissions received, editorial feedback and other advice is unlikely to be provided in the event that I decline an opportunity.
Please also prepare to be patient as I do try to read and respond to every submission. I try to respond within a month at most but cannot guarantee to do so.
New writers might find it helpful to read an article that I was commissioned by Writer’s Market UK to write in 2009 about the author-agent partnership.
Guidelines for Submissions
Please limit the covering email to highlights in a few lines, reserving most information for an all-in-one document attachment. Guidelines for the attachment follow below…
- Synopsis – describe the novel in no more than 300 words.
- Background – state relevant personal background, including prior publishing history.
- Sample – include first three chapters or approximately fifty pages to a natural break.
- Optional extra: outline the whole novel (no more than 2 or 3 pages)
- Optional extra (most suitable for genre fiction): List three to five comparable successful novels already in the marketplace, explaining the comparison in a few sentences and saying what you believe makes yours distinctive within the group.
- Synopsis – describe the book in no more than 300 words, perhaps beginning by summarising it in a single sentence.
- Background – state relevant details of your publishing history and public profile, including your credentials as an expert if it’s that sort of book.
- Proposal – elucidate the nature and content of the proposed book in 5-20 pages, leading to marketing strengths and market analysis. (Eg list three to five comparable and recently successful books already in the marketplace, explaining the comparison in a few sentences and stating how your stands out)
- Chapter plan – optional – summarise each chapter to indicate how you envisage the book being structured
- Sample – optional but preferable – one sample chapter.
- A note of your sources, if it’s that sort of book.