The Constant Economy
How To Create A Stable Society
Zac Goldsmith
Since the industrial revolution, our economies have grown at the expense of the natural world. But as pressure mounts on the earth’s finite resources, we can no longer pretend that business-as-usual is a realistic option. One way or another we will have to change. The longer we delay, the more our societies will be at the mercy of events and the harsher the eventual adjustments. Fortunately, as this book shows, there is an alternative. Zac Goldmsith argues for the creation of what he calls ‘a constant economy’.
A constant economy is one in which resources are values not wasted, where food is gown sustainably and goods are built to last. It is a system whose energy security is based on the use of renewable sources, and where strong communities are valued as a country’s most effective hedge against social, economic and environmental instability. The constant economy operates at a human scale and above all it recognises nature’s limits.
Zac Goldsmith’s landmark book aims to explain and inspire. He shows that almost every action needed to support the environment is already being carried out somewhere in the world, by companies, communiti9es and governments determined to blaze a trail. Where they have done the right thing, their customers and voters have rewarded them. Solutions exist, and they are brought together and set out in this ground-breaking book.
First published by Atlantic Books (UK) in 2009.

“Economics is killing off any prospect of decent, stable lives for billions of people. Yet Business-as-Usual economics has become a security blanket that our politicians just don’t know how to wean themselves off. The Constant Economy could just do the trick, so try it, guys! What have you got to lose apart from your fear, paralysis and life-threatening irrelevance?”
Jonathan Porritt, Founder Director of Forum For The Future.
“I have enjoyed Zac Goldsmith’s book, The Constant economy. He suggests a multitude of mechanisms to help the planet to survive for another generation or two.”
Norman Tebbit, The Times
“The Constant Economy is a compelling read, and inspiring in its positive solution-orientated focus.”
Caroline Lucas, The Guardian
“You can’t fake the sort of detailed policy expertise Goldsmith junior possesses, and is on display in this new book.”
Michael McCarthy, The Independent