Michael Blastland
Michael Blastland is the bestselling author of The Tiger That Isn’t: Seeing Through a World of Numbers, a book about numbers and how to interpret them, which he co-authored with Andrew Dilnot. He also wrote The Norm Chronicles, co-authored with Professor David Spiegelhalter.
He has played key roles in several successful programmes on BBC Radio 4: he originated and produced More or Less, Britain’s most authoritative guide to numbers and evidence in public argument; he devised, produced and presented The Human Zoo, about behavioural science; he originated and produced Whodunnit?, an investigative current affairs format; he produced and co-wrote, with Andrew Dilnot, A History of Britain In Numbers, a blend of storytelling data and innovative audio-graphs. He continues to present on BBC Radio 4 and BBC World Service from time to time.
He has written for most national newspapers and magazines such as Prospect, New Statesman, Times Educational and Times Higher Educational supplements, Significance, Open Democracy, and Sense About Science.
He has also taught, advised and presented widely, in schools, to businesses, government, academia, voluntary organisations and others.